National Professional Qualifications
In 2024 The Stour Federation will be running two NPQ qualifications in association with The Church of England.
Please apply as soon as possible – the applications window will close on 9th February 2024 and any applications received after this time will not be processed. I have attached two promotional flyers that give more information about the NPQLT and NPQSL.
Here is a video which is a walkthrough of the application process:
Step 1 (5 minutes): DfE Registration – Register for a national professional qualification (
This needs to be completed first. To do this, teachers will need your TRN number. The TRN is often the same as your employee number and can usually be found on your payslip or via the DfE website.
Please ensure you select the correct NPQ (LT or SL) to ensure you receive funding for the correct course.
When prompted, colleagues should select the following responses:
- Have you already chosen an NPQ and provider? YES
- Where do you work? England
- What setting do you work in? Choose most appropriate e.g, school / MAT & then insert name of school when prompted.
- Which NPQ do you want to do? LT OR SL
- Select your provider: Church of England
- Confirm and submit.
Once you have completed your DfE registration, the DfE will verify your eligibility for funding. Most of the time this is within a few hours, but sometimes can take a few days.
Step 2: Complete the CofE application form (30 minutes)
Participants will receive an email shortly after you have completed the DfE registration (this can take a few days) that contains a link to the CofE application form.
Participants should select the correct route NPQFlex, LT / SL Cohort Spring 24 and then the region/course offering when prompted and the proceed through the subsequent questions:
NPQ Flex LT: The Stour Federation - Warwickshire (Spring 24)
NPQ Flex SL: The Stour Federation - Warwickshire (Spring 24)
Application statements
Participants should complete all mandatory responses, including giving clear and detailed responses to the questions that assess your suitability for the course. Please watch the video should you need any support or guidance. Participants will be required to answer three questions:
- Why have you chosen to apply for this qualification?
- What experience do you have that demonstrates your readiness to complete this qualification?
- Why have you chosen to complete this qualification with the CofE?
Participants should give clear, detailed responses to each of these questions. This section will take you around 10 minutes.
Sponsor Endorsement
Participants are required to provide the name and contact details of a sponsor – this is often their line manager or a member of SLT in the school. The sponsor is required to confirm that the participant is suitable for this course. It is imperative that the sponsor completes the endorsement as soon as possible to keep the process running smoothly.
Step 3: Review and mark application (CofE)
Once the sponsor has endorsed the application, this will be ready for review and marking by a member of the NPQFlex team. Once the application has been reviewed, a provisional offer will be made Participants will only receive a formal offer once our application process has closed.