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The Stour Federation

Multi Academy Trust

Learn, grow, succeed together


The Stour Federation Multi Academy Trust has three levels of governance, to hold the CEO and Heads to account, and to ensure that the Trust operates as a charity and a limited company should do.


The Members meet once a year. They set the overall purpose, ethos, and strategic direction of the Trust, and have the power to make key appointments to ensure that these are upheld. No expansion of the Trust can happen without their approval.


MemberAppointed ByFrom
April GoldFoundation/Trust1.8.2021
Bishop Ruth WorsleyFoundation/Sponsor Members6.11.2023
Elaine HobdayMembers28.6.2019
Johanna RiceOriginal Members1.9.2014
Sarah EdmondsMembers1.8.2021


The Trust Board meets six times a year and forms the board of directors of the charity, overseeing the day-to-day running of the Trust. It approves policies and procedures, and holds the CEO and Core Leaders to account for performance and outcomes across our Academies. It is assisted in this work by the Resources and Audit Committee, which checks that the Trust complies with all relevant legal obligations and regulations, both financially and operationally and monitors Trust finances during the course of the year.


Local Academy Councils meet four times a year and examine the performance, standards and resoucing of each school in detail, holding the Heads to account. 



There is a clear scheme of delegation which sets out the separation of responsibilities between the Central Trust and the Local Academy Council.  There is a clear path of accountability that enables discussions to take place from the Trust Board Chair to the CEO, to the Chairs of Local Academy Councils and Headteachers.


Great governance makes change happen and is fundamental to success by promoting attitudes and a culture where everything works towards fulfilling the vision, mission and objectives from the boardroom to the classroom.

Trust Board DirectorRoleAppointed ByStart DateEnd Date
Jo Barker

Chair/Christian Distinctiveness


Trust Board1.9.201530.8.2027
Nick Jennings

Vice Chair

Resources and Audit Chair

Revd. Sarah EdmundsMembers LinkTrust Board4.7.20185.7.2026
Mike DumelowEstatesMembers1.9.201831.8.2026
Rachel SellarsEducationMembers1.8.202131.7.2025
Sarah-Jayne GallBusinessTrust Board1.9.202331.8.2027
Jason HurwoodFinanceTrust Board1.9.202531.8.2028
Christian HiltonCEO and Accounting OfficerEx-officio1.9.2014 


The governance professional is Lisa Mansell.  She may be contacted via Shipston Primary School office. 


There is 1 employees whose total benefits exceeded £100,000.  

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