The Trust is fully committed to developing a values-driven, organisationally healthy culture that will underpin all that we do to support our schools in the pursuit of excellence. Education is as much about developing people’s character, strengths and virtues (affective domain) as it is about building knowledge and skills (cognitive domain).
At its core, organisational health is about integrity - an organisation is healthy when it is whole, consistent and where leadership, operations, strategy and culture fit together and make sense. We have found the language and thinking of Patrick Lencioni, founder of the Table Group, a source of inspiration that has offered us a helpful way to explain this to others. According to Lencioni, there are four simple but difficult disciplines to achieving long-term, sustainable success.
Staff follow the principles of Fish Philosophy in their approach to all aspects of school life - Play. Make their day. Choose your attitude. Be there. The keys to creating an innovative and accountable work environment where a playful, attentive, and engaging attitude leads to more energy, enthusiasm, productivity, and creativity.
Children are taught to be well-mannered and courteous. They respect diversity and they are prepared to support each other. Positive, supportive relationships between staff and children are at the heart of our schools. At all times we seek to promote excellent behaviour underpinned by honesty, integrity and respect. Children are supported and encouraged to develop the behaviours that will enable them to thrive in lessons and in the many curriculum enrichment opportunities on offer. School adults role model these behaviours.